YouTube Writing Channels To Improve Your Writing


If you think that YouTube is a place to procrastinate watching cute and silly animal videos, well… you are partly right. But, it can also be a fantastic free tool to learn new things while being a part of a powerful community of people with similar interests.

Writing is often seen as a lonely occupation, but it doesn’t have to be. With so many fantastic writers joining YouTube and sharing their advice, experience and inspirations through video, no one has to feel alone in this! We have chosen our six favourite YouTube writing channels for you to explore:

Chris Fox

Chris Fox is a fiction and non-fiction writer and author. On his YouTube channel Chris follows up on the advice given in his writing book series Write Faster, Write Smarter. Follow Chris’ channel for expert tips and tricks on writing, plotting, marketing and publishing your stories. How to Construct a Fictional Language is a fantastic video for any writers trying to make languages sound natural.

Jenna Moreci

Jenna Moreci is a fantasy and sci-fi writer and author. With her background in business administration, finances and accounting, Jenna presents a refreshing and entertaining perspective on her life as a writer, as well as advice on plot and character development and writing do’s and don’ts. Her 10 Worst Female Character Pet Peeves is a must-see!

Rachael Stephen

Rachael Stephen is a self-published author of a dystopian novel State of Flux. On her YouTube channel she shares her honest writing and publishing experience and helpful tools for writers. Follow her videos if you’re looking for a fun, authentic and sincere writing buddy. Start with her writing pep talk to get excited.


Shaelin is a young creative writing student and an avid writer. With almost 100 videos on her channel she is a perfect example of a writer who is evolving, learning from her past mistakes and best of all – she’s not afraid to talk about it. Check out Shaelin’s video on her short story writing process here.

Terrible Writing Advice

Created by American author J.P. Beaubien, Terrible Writing Advice is a satirical animated YouTube channel about writing. If you find it difficult to watch people talk about writing, these 4 min-11 min engaging videos might be just what you need. We especially enjoyed the video about taking criticism.

Travis McBee

Travis McBee is a short story and longer fiction writer from the States. In his channel he includes writing tips, book reviews, and occasional vlogs about his life (and pets). His videos usually relate to what people have been asking him about in the comments, so if you are looking for an online writing community and have some writing issues to discuss, try Travis’ YouTube channel. Start by learning how to write every day.



TED-Ed The Writer’s Workshop

Not a separate channel but, rather, a playlist of useful videos for writers from TED-Ed. TED is a media organization behind the famous TEDTalks and TEDx events. This playlist offers advice on the use of languages, grammar, punctuation, as well as more specific writing guidance, all packaged into short and fun animated videos. Learn about anti-social skills that can improve your writing here.


Have we missed your favourite YouTube writing channels? Share them with us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook @FairlightBooks.