Vino, Vino


Each week, we pick a short fiction piece from our Fairlight Shorts archives to feature as our story of the week. This week, we’ve chosen a story about disagreements by Paul Perilli.

Paul Perilli lives in Brooklyn, NY. His writing has appeared in places such as The European, Baltimore MagazinePoets and Writers MagazineNew Observations Magazine and more recently in The TransnationalNumero CinqThemaOverlandAethlonJerry Jazz MusicianZin Daily and others. He’s also published chapbooks and been included in several anthologies. Paul’s stories have won the European short story context and the Jerry Jazz Musician Fiction Contest, and his story was one of four included in Overland’s False Documents contest.

‘Vino, Vino’ follows two couples as they disagree over their holiday activities.



After a night in Rome the four of them rent a Fiat, and with Willie behind the wheel they head north on the via Aurelia. While gray clouds threaten rain at first, half an hour later they thin and as they near Cerveteri the sky turns blue and the sun shines bright.

In the passenger’s seat, Anne sits with the roadmap of Italy in her lap. In the backseat sit Martin and Virginia, friends from New York. The tour they’ve planned begins in the Cinque Terre and from there moves on through the provinces of Piedmont, Emilia Romagna and Arezzo. The delight Willie feels, casting his sights on the visual and gastronomical pleasures ahead, he also detects in his travelling companions.

‘We get to wake up and look at the sea,’ Anne says.

‘Breakfast on our balconies,’ Virginia says.

‘I know it’s early to discuss dinner, but what do you think we’ll eat tonight?’ Willie says.

‘Whatever it is will be paired with a bottle of fine wine,’ Martin says.

‘You’re our sommelier,’ Anne says.

‘I am that, and lucky for you.’

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