Our story of the week is a dating story from the writer Lee Wright.
Lee writes fiction, non-fiction and reviews. He studied under Man Booker winner Alison Moore and is currently taking an MA in Creative Writing at the University of Leicester.
Lee began writing a weekly sports column for the Hinckley Times newspaper in 2008. He published one of his novellas, Forget What You’ve Heard, on Amazon Kindle. Lee’s short story, Seeking Lover, Lonely Mother, was also published by HeadStuff. He has book reviews and author interviews published online here.
In The Ear, Lee examines what it is that really pushes us over the edge.
‘The waitress left their receipt on a little silver tray, along with two white mints.
“They hurt my teeth,” said Ellis.
Trix put one in her mouth, the other in her handbag. Two men at the next table stared at her.
“You have some admirers,” whispered Ellis.
She made a face.
“Ready?” she asked.
He held up a finger.
“Give me a minute.”
She waved him towards the toilets. “I’ll wait at the doors.”
He zipped up, washed his hands, and twisted the cotton ball from his ear, pleased to see less wax than before. The drops were working. He threw the cotton ball into the bin on his way out the door.
Trix was clutching at her skirt as she gave him a thin smile, causing Ellis to hesitate. The men who had done the staring were standing either side of her, demanding attention.
Ellis wanted to take her by the hand, lead her away.
“Who’re your friends?”
One of the men reminded Ellis of his dead father, who he had loved. The other one touched Trix on the shoulder.
“She’s the most smashing creature I’ve ever seen. Tell me, tell me where you got her?”‘ Read more…