The Blue Rose


Our Story of the Week is a magical realism story from the writer Greg Forrester.

Greg started writing in secondary school, producing four chapters of a clear Lord of the Rings rip-off, that, ‘thankfully’, no longer exists. Since then, he’s continued to pursue his passion, earning creative writing degrees from the University of Sunderland (undergraduate) and Newcastle University (postgraduate).

Greg’s writing has been greatly inspired by his favourite books – from One Hundred Years of Solitude to His Dark Materials, from Skellig to The Shadow of the Wind. He builds his magical realism stories from his own unique experiences and perception of the world.

In Blue Rose, Greg uses a touch of magic to spin a hauntingly beautiful tale of a man and his muse.


‘It must be Paris outside; I can smell the rain in the dirt between the cobbles.‘When are you going to write a story about me?’ you ask, rising from the sofa. Your perfume mixes with the wet-grass scent of the room.

I laugh to myself and you laugh too.

‘When am I not?’ I reply. I can feel you coming closer, even though I’m trying not to look. You wrap your arms around my shoulders and place your cheek so it’s touching mine ever so slightly.

‘What’s this one about?’ you ask. You can read the computer screen over my shoulder but that won’t do you any good. The page is blank.

I don’t know yet, I type.

You don’t say anything.

After a while I turn but you’re gone. The room’s empty except for me and the lingering scent of your perfume.’ Read more…