Just a Cat


Our story of the week is a story about insomnia from the writer Rosie Anderson.

Rosie completed her undergraduate degree in English Literature at the University of Leicester and is currently continuing her studies there with a Master’s in Creative Writing. She works part time as a waitress and is looking forward to exploring professions where she may be able to use creative writing.

Rosie loved writing stories and poems as a child. It wasn’t until she started university that she had the opportunity to have her work critiqued by someone other than her mum. She thoroughly enjoyed her Creative Writing modules and during her final year, she was delighted to have been awarded the John Coleman Creative Writing Prize.

In Just a Cat, Rosie explores the anxious thoughts of a worried mother.


It was 2.56am when it occurred to Emma that she could not remember the name of her childhood friend’s cat. Lindsey had been her timid next-door-but-two-neighbour, and her cat had been completely black with an incongruously bright pink nose. Emma’s daughter had reminded her of the creature that evening.

“A kitten got stuck on the gym roof today!” Lucy’s voice was thick from the garlic bread she hadn’t quite swallowed. Emma looked at her sleepily, feeling grateful that her fourteen-year-old was animated by kittens on roofs rather than alcohol – unlike her son, who had already escaped their household for a “quiet drink” with his friends.

“My friend’s cat did that once,” Emma told her, scraping Bolognese sauce into the bin. Lucy did not ask her for more information, nor did Emma think about the matter any further. It was not until 2.56am, during her weekly bout of insomnia (coinciding with the nights her son was out until the early hours of the morning) that she realised she could not remember the cat’s name.Read more…