Introducing: Sophie van Llewyn


Sophie van Llewyn is an author of short stories, flash fiction and, most recently, a novella-in-flash, Bottled Goods.

Sophie grew up in Tulcea, South-East Romania, close to the Danube delta. Sophie started writing when she was in fifth grade, and even won a third place at a country-level short story competition. She was also editor-in-chief at her school’s newspaper.

Now living in Germany, Sophie picked up her writing again while on maternity leave from her day job. It is then that she discovered flash fiction through Ad Hoc Fiction Press. Trying her hand at short fiction, reading it intensely and doing workshops with other gifted writers helped her improve her writing and editing techniques. She discovered the concept of novella-in-flash by reading Rose Metal Press’ collection My Very End of the Universe, and was eager to try the genre for herself. Soon, Sophie was publishing short stories in various publications, such as The GuardianNew Delta ReviewAmbitLitro, and many others. She has won and been longlisted for a number of competitions, including a nomination for The Pushcart Prize.

In her free time Sophie used to do horseback riding and she sometimes still plays the piano. But currently, her toddler is her main ‘hobby’.


Interested to find out more? Listen to Sophie’s interview on BBC’s The Arts Hour.