Neal Mason is the imaginative short story writer behind one of the most popular stories published on Fairlight Books website – Stocktaking.
Neal was born in Middlesex. After finishing his education in Norfolk he spent most of his life tutoring for the University of Wales, WEA and Fairfield Arts Centre, and travelling. Neal is a fan of works by Lord Byron and Thomas Hardy. Based in Marlborough, he has written many stories, monologues and poetry, and won multiple writing competitions. Neal was awarded a bursary from the Arts Council and spent six months in Welsh Valley as a Writer in Residence. He has published two books of poetry – Excavations and Leading the Guidebook Astray, and advised on the Arts Council’s Grants to Publisher’s Panel.
Neal is an organiser of soundwork-uk.co.uk – a non-profit website that records and produces free audio plays, stories, poems and monologues for online listeners. He was selected for a 5-day masterclass at Hay-on-Wye Festival.