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Code of Practice for Submissions


Last week (14/10) we published a piece on Authors Electric blog asking writers’ input on how to solve industry-wide issues in the publishing submissions process and create a Code of Practice for Submissions. In case you haven’t already seen the blog, you can now read it on our website.

Over the time that the blog has been up we have received dozens of suggestions and comments from writers and publishing industry professionals discussing customs surrounding submissions practices in the publishing business. People shared and scrutinized their experiences related to the submissions process at Fairlight Books and other publishing companies across the world, small and large. The overall message was similar to the one explored in the blog: writers ought to trust their publishers, knowing that the works they submit will be considered, rather than being led on by the publishers for long periods of time.

Fairlight Books wishes to make sure that all of our writers are treated fairly and respectfully. We have taken the suggestions we’ve received and arranged them into our clear and straightforward Code of Practice for Submissions.

code of practice for manucript submissions

Our pledge to the writers is to follow the Submissions’ Code of Practice: to acknowledge and consider every submission, come back with a response within three months or less, and give frequent updates if the process is taking any longer.

Let us know if you agree to our Code of Practice for Submissions or if you have any other views. Comment below, email us contact[at]fairlightbooks[dot]com or Tweet us @FairlightBooks.