Interviews & Blogs

Have you ever thought about joining any online writing groups? While it’s great to be able to meet a writing circle face-to-face to share your writing journey in some cases it’s just not possible. Carving out a specific time, finding a group in your area, or even struggling to connect with members can all be major obstacles in finding

What happens to your manuscript after you’ve sent it to Fairlight Books submissions? We know how nerve-wrecking it can be to wait for news on your submission. That’s why we try to respond as quickly as possible. To help with the wait we’re giving you a behind-the-scenes look at our submissions' process. What can you expect after

In October the entire Fairlight Books team took part in the Alzheimer’s Society’s Take on 12 fundraising campaign. We were encouraged by Sum Ergo Cogito, a short story from our recently published collection The Madonna of the Pool by Helen Stancey. Sum Ergo Cogito is a tale of a woman struggling with dementia, told with snapshots

After a month of many imaginative submissions and some hard choices it’s time to announce the three winners of our Oxford Reading Spots Photography Competition! In case you missed the release of our shortlist on Instagram, you can admire our finalists below.   Don't forget to follow us on Instagram for more bookish

Last week (14/10) we published a piece on Authors Electric blog asking writers’ input on how to solve industry-wide issues in the publishing submissions process and create a Code of Practice for Submissions. In case you haven't already seen the blog, you can now read it on our website. Over the time that the blog has been up we have r

Post taken from Authors Electric Blog (14/10) Last week I heard a shocking story from a writer friend. It probably isn’t shocking to those writers who’ve been in the game a while, but I guess I’m still a newbie to this world of publishing, so it was shocking to me. I’m going to call the story, The Sure Thing, and it goes like t

There’s something magical about bookshops. It’s easy to let the rest of the world fall away as you browse gateways to hundreds of different stories, surrounded by friendly people and the soothing smell of books. Some bookshops are so enchanting that they’ve become destinations themselves. We’ve hunted down ten of these unique book

Have you ever borrowed an eBook or digital audiobook from your library? Did you even know you could? Well you can! This is another free service offered by libraries to make books more accessible and promote reading. For libraries week, 9th-14th of October, we want to show our support by explaining how to borrow eBooks from your library.