Interviews & Blogs

Anthony Ferner is the author of Inside the Bone Box, one of the novellas in our Fairlight Moderns series. In addition to his academic articles and monographs, this will be Anthony’s second novella. We have chatted to him about his writing career, the research and inspiration behind Inside the Bone Box, and much more. How did you star

Based in South Korea, Dani Soon is an artist and the cover illustrator of Alan Robert Clark's historical fiction novel The Prince of Mirrors. Inspired by nature as well as many contemporary artists and filmmakers, Dani creates images that make the books stand out in bookshops. She has previously worked with Shop Magazine, EMI, and Citize

Alan Robert Clark is the author of the historical novel The Prince of Mirrors. An author and ghost-writer from Scotland, this is his second novel to date. We have chatted to Alan about his writing career, the process and inspiration behind The Prince of Mirrors, and much more. How did you start writing? It depends what you mean b

Writing can feel like a very solitary exercise. However, the online writing community is a large and supportive one. Social media is a great place to find new writing prompts, inspiration quotes and fellow writers. Check out these five motivational Instagram writing accounts to help keep your creativity flowing. @writing.prompt.s W

Most writers will be familiar with that dreaded sensation of staring at a blank page and watching the cursor impatiently blink back at you. It feels like the longer you fumble for the right sentence or idea the harder it is to find. Writer’s block can be frustrating, but we’ve got five tips to help get those creative juices flowing ag

Last week, we took a look at Borderline Books, a branch of the Kittiwake Trust. This week, we’ll be continuing our interview with Amina Marix Evans, exploring another side of this bookish charity - the Multilingual Library. How did the Multilingual Library get started? The Multilingual Library grew out of Borderline Books. We had

To celebrate the upcoming publication of The Prince of Mirrors we're holding a Fairlight Flash newsletter giveaway. Simply subscribe to our newsletter here by 31/05/2018 to enter for a chance to win a signed proof copy of The Prince of Mirrors. Fairlight Flash Giveaway Terms and Conditions The Fairlight Flash Giveaway (the “G

For those of us who regularly enjoy reading, it can be easy to take it for granted. However, for some, books are a luxury, one that they may not have access to. When Amina Marix Evans came to this realisation she began brainstorming ways to help. She decided to start Borderline Books, giving donated books to those with limited or no acces