Interviews & Blogs

Elizabeth Mac Donald's debut novel, A Matter of Interpretation, is released on 5 September 2019 by Fairlight Books. An exploration into the life of Canon Michael Scot, a twelfth-century astrologer and personal physician to the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick II, this novel takes the reader from the court in Palermo, to the Translation Scho

Have you ever wanted to see Tom Sawyer’s fence that Mark Twain writes about in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? Or walk along the streets Joyce has wandered on, on his way to his favourite café? Would you visit the grave of an author to pay your respects to the person that created some of the greatest works of fiction? Cities around th

Gregory Baines is the Australian-based author of The Nail House, a novella released by Fairlight Books on 1 August 2019. Taking place in China, the novella focuses on Lindon, an Australian project manager, and Zhen, a Chinese real estate agent, as they meet and overcome cultural difference. Throughout the story, the image of the ‘nail

Edward Vass's debut novella, Milton in Purgatory, has been published by Fairlight Books on 1 August 2019. In this novellas we follow Milton, a 26-year-old unhappy with his job, during his last day on earth – he is hit by a car on his way to work. But this is just the beginning of his journey. Read this interview with Edward to find ou

Nial Giacomelli's debut novella, The Therapist, was published by Fairlight Books on 1 August 2019. Nial spent his childhood between England and the US before settling in Hampshire, where he lives with his wife and two children. His novella, which originated as a science-fiction short story, deals with loss and its consequences on the peo

We are thrilled to announce that Travelling in the Dark by Emma Timpany has been awarded the Hall & Woodhouse DLF Writing Prize 2019. The prize was set up in 2018 with the aim of encouraging writers based in, or well-connected to, the West Country. Travelling in the Dark was published in July 2018 as part of our Fairlight Modern

William Prendiville's debut novella, Atlantic Winds, has been published on 11 July 2019 by Fairlight Books. Originally from Ireland, William and his family relocated to Canada, where this novella is also set. It follows a group of teenagers, their first loves and hardships. We've asked William a few questions about his writing and what in

Omar Sabbagh's novella Minutes from the Miracle City is published by Fairlight Books. A prolific writer of poems, essays and prose, Omar turns to the novella form for a second time. Set in Dubai, in the last days of Ramadan, this novella vividly evokes the soul of the city and its inhabitants. We've asked Omar a few questions about his p