If you're looking for present ideas here are 10 reasons why books make the best gifts! Share Something Personal Giving books that have touched your heart or relating to topics that are important to you can be an incredibly personal and meaningful gift. Especially since it will give you something to discuss once they’ve
Read MoreNaNoWriMo is almost over! Most of you will hopefully be putting the finishing touches on your first draft and getting ready to write the words ‘The End’ on your manuscript. But the hard part is just starting, the second draft. Here are 5 tips to help you start the rewriting process: Take some time away from t
Read MoreMark Swan is the designer behind the cover of Beyond Kidding. We've talked to him about his path into graphic designing and his creative process. How did you get into the arts and what led you to graphic design? I was always drawing from a young age and was very much into comic books and wanted to work in that field. I went to unive
Read MoreWe are pleased to announce that we will be publishing four new literary fiction titles in 2020, all from exceptionally talented new and emerging literary authors. First up for spring 2020 is Conception, a novel by award-winning filmmaker Özgür Uyanık. For a long time there has been no antihero so deliciously self-absorbed, so ambiti
Read MoreWhen the real world becomes too much to handle, sci-fi and fantasy books can offer a much-needed escape. But while some imagined universes have us wishing they were real, there are others that we’re quite happy to keep between the covers of a book. Worlds we’d like to live in The Wizarding World – Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowli
Read MoreSome book lovers show their dedication to the written word by keeping their books in pristine condition, refusing to dog-ear their pages or even bend the spine. However, others, show their love by ‘upcycling’ their books. They cut, paint and sometimes even burn book pages to create new masterpieces. Here are a couple of our favourite
Read MoreLeo Nickolls is the designer behind the cover of A Matter of Interpretation. We've talked to him about his path into graphic designing and his creative process. How did you get into the arts and what led you to graphic design? I grew up drawing comics and generally had a bit of passion for all things illustrated. I was supposed to
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