Guest Blog

It might seem an odd thing for a leftie, Guardian-reading republican to do. I’d just written one historical novel about a member of the royal family only to find myself writing a second. The first book, The Prince of Mirrors, was about the ‘bad boy’ Prince Eddy, the Duke of Clarence. I’d written that novel because, despite the vas

How do you market your new release if the traditional book tour isn’t an option? This is a question I’ve asked myself four times in the last few months, as I’ve released four new books during a global pandemic. Each time, I’ve found new ways to reach my target audience of readers, letting them know about my new book and why the

In 1964, a Canadian communication thinker called Marshall McLuhan had the novel idea that it was, in fact, the medium that was the message. When it comes to writing, and writing books, in particular, the medium has changed dramatically since its birth, and perhaps more than ever in the last fifty years. To go from quills to printing pr

Knowledge is power. Ideas matter. But communicating them in the age of populism and fake news is challenging. This may seem like a peculiarly contemporary problem, but as I was researching my historical novel, A Matter of Interpretation, it became obvious to me that not only was the struggle to maintain control over knowledge as old as th

The Most Instagrammable Writers of All Time by Rebecca Armstrong It might surprise you, but books are all the rage on Instagram. Literary hashtags like #books, #bookstagram and #bibliophile are used for millions of posts, from memorable quotes, to photos of impressive bookshelves and beautiful libraries. This trend gives us a new way

Our Guest Blog this month comes from Megan Leigh, editor of pop culture blog Pop Verse and co-host of feminist speculative fiction podcast Breaking the Glass Slipper. Her writing has appeared on SWFA, SFF World, Pornokitsch, and Writers’ Workshop. This blog originally appeared on Pop Verse I’ve only r