Barbara Mercer is one of the Fairlight Books' most original writers. She's the author of the popular short story The Glow Worm. Born and raised in Manchester, Barbara read English at Royal Holloway, University of London. Throughout the years she has worked as a designer and editor in various publishing companies, with a specific focus in
With audiobooks and podcasts on a rapid rise, the days of long and boring commuting are in the past. With so many different paid and free resources available online, ‘reading’ (or reading-listening) and learning on-the-go is almost effortless (read here how to borrow audiobooks from your local library). In fact, there are now so ma
Kathryn Marie Halton is the short story writer of Ever Decreasing Circles - a moving tale about what it is like to feel alone and lonely. Kathryn graduated from the University College of Ripon and York St John in the early 1990s, with a BA Hons in English Literature and History. Her dissertation was a paper on the works of Jack Kerouac
A frequent reasoning to why someone enjoys reading is that for a couple hours they can be transported from the comfort of their room (or a discomfort of public transport) all the way to a new country, planet or even world. But the incredible thing about books is that they’re not only great for ‘running away’ to a new place, but also
Living in central Scotland, Eilidh G Clark is a writer of touching short stories and poetry. She recalls lazy summer holidays spent in the back garden, drawing pictures in her notebooks, writing short stories to go with them and imagining that she might one day become a modern day Enid Blyton. Eilidh continued to scribble her way through
Abi Hynes is one of Fairlight Books' most eloquent short story authors. Her two fantastic stories - Ready or Not and The Ghosts from Kathmandu are available on our website. Based in Manchester, she is a drama and fiction writer whose writing have been published in a variety of places online and in print, including Litro, Syntax &
Wendy Holborow is one of our poetic short story writers. Her beautifully elegant story Crows Caw in Cwmdonkin Park is available to read here. Wendy was born in South Wales, UK and lived in Greece for fourteen years. She founded and co-edited Poetry Greece magazine. Wendy has won prizes for her short stories, notably the Philip Good M
Last week (14/10) we published a piece on Authors Electric blog asking writers’ input on how to solve industry-wide issues in the publishing submissions process and create a Code of Practice for Submissions. In case you haven't already seen the blog, you can now read it on our website. Over the time that the blog has been up we have r